Careers at STFC
To apply for this placement, we are looking for the following:
We are currently seeking a Quality Engineer (QA) to support the development and delivery of a key subsystem for the world’s first space based...
To apply for this role, we are looking for the following: [Key – (S) will be measured at shortlisting, (I) will be measured at interview,...
To apply for this role, we are looking for the following: [Key – (S) shortlisting, (I) interview, (S&I) is both]. Essential • Ph.D. in...
To apply for this role, we are looking for the following: [Key – (S) will be measured at shortlisting, (I) will be measured at interview,...
To apply for this role, we are looking for the following: [Key – (S) will be measured at shortlisting, (I) will be measured at interview,...
The UK Astronomy Technology Centre (UK ATC) is seeking an experienced astronomer to join our leadership team as Head of Project Science Strategy...
Science and Technology Facilities Council Salary: £103,000 to £115,000 per annum (dependent on skills and experience). Location: Science...